Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Music Video Possibilities, and other things...

Ok, so recently I've decided I want to make a music video... and I've been putting a lot of thought into what song I'd like to make it to. I think I've narrowed it down to a couple Taylor Swift ones (Enchanted, You Belong with Me, or possibly Hey Stephen) and a Selena Gomez one (Who Says). I also thought about "Never Grow Up", because that would be fairly simple to put together, and I'd be able to use my siblings =)
I want to chose a song that would be fairly simple to put together, and doesn't require a whole lot of people, because the more people there are the more complicated it gets for everything...
That, and I'm not sure where I'd get a lot of people to help out in it! =) Not without paying them, that is ;) =) I want to do this for fun =) I'm thinking about writing a short story or something that my siblings can perform, and maybe make a little mini series type thing of it? Again, just something for fun! I want to touch up on filming techniques and photography anyways! And this would give me good practice! Wish me Luck! =D


  1. you don't have to pay people from your church..and many people help out without wanting pay...look at that guy from your church who had made videos...did he pay everyone? I didn't think so... :)

    1. True! =) I just need to get all the details together first though! =) and no, he didn't pay anyone, but they were all really close friends of him... First thing first, I need to figure out which song I want first, and then storyboard it... Then I can figure out how many people I need, and roughly what ages they need to be :)

  2. I like who says and never grow up esp. since the kids are younger

  3. I'm thinking never grow up, but I'd need someone a little younger than Z (for the beginning part, "your little hand is wrapped around my finger..." because it sounds like it's a baby she's singing to =) and I don't think we have any homevideo close ups on any of us holding a baby's hand...Darn it! haha =) and I'd have to have S wear a wig, cus her hair is brown, and Z is blonde... Then I'd have to work J in somehow, even though he's a boy... and then finally K...
    I think it could work! =D
