Friday, August 31, 2012

It will take tears and time...

Sometimes life just doesn't go as planned. Things happen, people move in and out of your life, some things end, and some begin. Some things just continue on.
Well, today has been one of those days where NOTHING seems to be going right in my life. It feels like everything is pressing down on me. School starting, Aunt moving furthur away, buissness is not going as I hoped, having major allergies (ragweed), missing camp, not looking forward to youth group starting, and all around feeling like breaking down and crying, and Dreary weather is not helping much...
It will take tears and time till I'm ok again, but I'll be ok eventually...
Sometimes finding the positive in things is VERY difficult, that's for sure.


  1. Awww, sweetie I won't be that far away and I haven't even moved yet. I have to wait for the tenant to find, sign on and buy a house before it'll be ready for me to move back into. I'm gonna miss you guys coming over too, cause I don't see it happening once I move but you never know, prayers can turn things around just when you think it never will (your uncle quit drinking after I had been wanting him to do it for 17 years, and after he had tried. I never thought that would happen)..don't worry, be happy..for some reason I'm picturing a penguin dancing to that. :) Youth group will be fine, you're going to connect with Molly again don't you worry. It's just going to take both of you reaching out and making a go of it. A true friendship doesn't always go smoothly, but after the bumps it does get better. I love you bunches

    1. I know... and I'm happy you'll be closer to Memere, and with more space... I'm just going to miss seeing you the little that I DO see you.. and I'm not looking forward to youth group, just because I don't really enjoy it as much as I used to... I admit Molly is PART of it, but not the big part... I just don't feel like going anymore. I just feel like I'm being disconnected from everything I enjoy/love, and forced upon with more stuff I have trouble dealing with... I'll be fine in time, but I still have to deal with it... =)

    2. Not so fun I know...I am thinking that we'll be porting our phone number to our new house (because we have that option) you'll still be able to call. I know it hasn't been the best of everything these past few months but hang in there. I love you bunches!

    3. Yay! At least I'll be able to call you still! It will help the miles not seem so very long and far apart... =) and I'm still hanging in there! =) Still a little frustrated with some things, but pretty good considering! =D
