Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Plague that goes by the name of... School...

It has officially come down upon our household! The horrible, the deadly, the enemy of all things fun, the evil plague that goes by the name of... SCHOOL. It has struck again! Just as we were getting the last of it out of our system from the LAST time it struck! Whoa be to anyone suffering from this plague! The many symptoms include: sleeping in odd positions over text books, un-explainable headaches, Brain aches from an over-dose of information, yawning, homework, missing pencils, un-explainable urges to jump up and down and scream at the top of your lungs, the un-explainable urge to have a huge bonfire (with some sort of paper as a fire starter), messy desks, and so many other DANGEROUS symptoms! The worst news of all is, the only way it seems curable is by the Summer winds! Until the summer winds blow, there seems to be no stop to the Disaster of School!! The best you can do it batten down the hatches, and hope you can master the ups an downs of this plague... I wish all of those suffering under it's evil hand the best of luck in their fight against it!
And now I must leave to go and try to relieve myself of one of the worst of it's symptoms (homework!)
Good luck in your own fights! I will keep you updated through out the year how the fight against the plague is going!

Till then...

I am just having some fun describing school in this way. I have nothing against school, and realize it's importance in my life, in everything I do. =) Thank you for reading!


  1. Why the disclaimer, did the Dr. or Professor protest?

    I always loved school, of course then again I was not home-schooled...I loved going back, seeing friends that I hadn't seen all summer long, and (truly a serious flaw I know) I actually loved learning and home/class work. I loved going to football games, basketball games and cheering on our home team (although I never really knew all that much about either except that we needed possession of the ball and it had to get into our hoop/goal...but I could tell you the name & number, jersey that is, of all the cute players ;) )

    love you bunches!

    1. haha nope! I just didn't want angry protests from parents around the globe at some girl who posted about how horrid school is! hehe =D
      I don't LOVE the homework/class work, but I DO like it =) Don't get me wrong, there are days where I'm mentally cursing every school books author, and planning all sorts of arranged accidents (not fatal though!) and yet, other days, I'm mentally blessing them, because I've found lately that I really enjoy the school work... and I actually feel lost when I don't have anymore to do for the day! haha =D
      I ought to look into our games! I know we only have 2 home games for Football (and judging by the paper's pictures, there is zip, zilch, nada, cute guys on the team (a girl can dream, can't she?!)
      I'll have to look into what else we have... I think we have soccer (which, personally, I don't mind watching), football, basketball, wrestling (NO. just, just NOOO. That is all I will say for that.), etc. =)
      I can follow SOME of the games (hockey/Baseball haha) but other than that, I'm at a loss, and pretty much watch where the ball is, and hope it's doing good for our home team... Unless the other team has cuter guys, the DEFINITELY the other team heheh ;) =D
