Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fall time in no time!

I can't believe fall is just around the corner! Nooo! Not yet! I'm still in summer(ish) mode! You know, swimming, shorts, tank tops... SUMMER! But, once school starts (in 2 days), it will be officially (by school terms that is) done... So I'm trying very hard to cope with Fall being (almost) here already!
I'm ok with being able to open windows, take pictures of the BEAUTIFUL scenery, the crisp (fresh!) air, the holidays, the Apple and Pumpkin picking (YUM!), SOME of the baking ;) , Bonfires, and SMORES!!! =D Among other things.   ;)
I'm not sure I'm ready for everything else that comes with fall though. The raking of leaves, the coming of winter, the bare trees (bare trees are just kinda depressing...), no more swimming, school, having to stay inside more (because it's much chillier) etc.
Just like every other season (but maybe winter), I'm a bit unwilling to let go of this season, and enter the next one. But when the next season gets here, I'm almost always glad... =)


  1. Ok, first of all you don't have to stay in more just because it's getting chilly...I don't know if you realize this but there are these items of clothing that have been invented, they are called sweaters, jackets and windbreakers..and if needed gloves, scarves, hats, and mittens can be called into play as well.

    I do agree with you about bare trees, with the exception of when their limbs are coated with, love, love that!

    Why do you only love some of the baking? What baking do you not love?

    ok, now I have to let you know that I am very jealous of how easily you change up your background and add photos in (are these yours btw?, lovely)

    1. REALLY?! There is such a contraption?! I shall have to look into aquiring some of these contraptions!! heheehe =D

      I just don't like going outside much in the LATE fall/winter. There isn't much you can do outside lol =) Especially at our house =)

      Yes! I love when the bare trees have snow on their limbs! It's so beautiful! Especially around town here, what with the pines, and oaks! =D

      and I love only some of the baking, because after a bit, I get tired of making apple things, and pumpkin-y things... haha =D Although right now, I've been baking/making all sorts of things! Pumpkin doughnuts, yeast rolls, soups, cookies, etc. YUMMY! =D and guess what? I'm already christmas shopping and getting a head start on Christmas gift making! =D

      haha Be jealous ;)


      I guess if you've read this far down...

      I'll tell you....

      You go to your blog dashboard, and when you click on your blog name, it should come up with some buttons like: Stats, Earnings, etc.
      Click on the one that says Template, and then click the one of the left (Live on Blog) and click customize.
      From there you click on background, and then choose the photo you want, OR upload one of your own =)
      Then, before you do anything else, click on the orange button in the top right of the blog page, and it will say apply to blog.... Hope that helps! =D I love my current background =D

      and, no, not all of these photos are mine. I think I have a disclaimer somewhere (if it did what I wanted) saying all photos go to respected owners, etc. etc. etc. =) Most of them are copy and paste/share ones, so long as you don't say it's yours, which I have not =)
