How many time do you have what you thought was a great idea? What happened? Chances are right after you got the idea, you told a friend about it. And chances are when you told your friend you didn’t really do a great job of explaining it. And the friend, in a nice way said it was “half baked.”
According to Joyce Kifler, “Every success must have a time of incubation.” Often when we get an idea, we’re so excited about it that we start sharing it with everyone. Because the idea is still young and soft and vulnerable, it dies from the constant assault from “well meaning” friends. An idea should be protected the way we do anything that’s young.
Ms. Kifler suggests, “We can talk the life out of an idea before it has had time to firm up. The more we talk, the less important it becomes until if finally dwindles to a thought that is not at all what it seemed to be.”
An idea that has had time to become strong will grow and produce what we envisioned it to be.
That way you can “go the distance.”