Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Medieval Flags ;)

I just randomly decided to look up medieval flags, and I found some really neat ones... I especially love the green flag with the Celtic like symbol, and the color of the blue one =) 

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Great Idea! - Cowboy Joe

How many time do you have what you thought was a great idea?  What happened?  Chances are right after you got the idea, you told a friend about it.  And chances are when you told your friend you didn’t really do a great job of explaining it.  And the friend, in a nice way said it was “half baked.”

According to Joyce Kifler, “Every success must have a time of incubation.”  Often when we get an idea, we’re so excited about it that we start sharing it with everyone.  Because the idea is still young and soft and vulnerable, it dies from the constant assault from “well meaning” friends.  An idea should be protected the way we do anything that’s young.
Ms. Kifler suggests, “We can talk the life out of an idea before it has had time to firm up.  The more we talk, the less important it becomes until if finally dwindles to a thought that is not at all what it seemed to be.”
An idea that has had time to become strong will grow and produce what we envisioned it to be.
That way you can “go the distance.”

Cowboy Slang ;)

       I'm in the middle of doing a report on recipes, and such from the 1800's-1960's and I found these terms to be rather fascinatingly colorful, and helpful, as I wasn't sure I wanted to try a Pie topped with Calf slobbers... ;)

       Below are some words used in reference to chuck, or for the non-cowboy, food, while they were on the trail. 
Calf Slobbers – Meringue on a pie. 

Fried Chicken – Bacon rolled in flour and fried.

Chuck Wagon Chicken – Fried bacon.

Charlie Taylor – A substitute for butter. A combination of molasses and bacon grease. 

“Man at the Pot!” – Term yelled at a person pouring himself a cup of coffee. A cowboy’s way of saying, “Pour me a cup too.” 

Spotted Pup – Cooking raisins in rice.

Stacked to a fill – Compliment to the chief following a great meal. 

Dry Camp – A camp that has no water available. 

Prairie or Mountain Oysters – Calf’s testicles.
Wreck pan: The pan in which cowboys placed their dirty dishes following a meal.

Squirrel can:The large can in which cowboys scraped the food scraps

before placing them in the wreck pan.

Cook’s last job of the evening:Point the tongue of the chuckwagon toward the north

so the herd could “follow the tongue” the next day.

Gut robber, greasy belly, biscuit shooter:Cowboys names for both the ranch house and trail drive cook.

Coffee recipe: A hand full of coffee for every cup of water.

Possum belly:A rawhide apron attached to the underside of the chuckwagon 

in which wood and buffalo chips are stored for the dinner fire.

Why cooks threw dirty dishwater under chuckwagon: This helped protect the cook’s domain by discouraging cowboys 

from taking a nap in the shade under the chuckwagon.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Disney Princess's as never before seen!

I found this while (what else!) pinning on Pinterest... I never thought of what a "Real live" Disney Princess might look like...  Personally, I love how they captured both the Princesses and their outfits... although Snow White and Pocahontas could be done a little better... =)
Your Opinions?

Disney Princess Designer Displays by Harrod's

Saturday, March 2, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Roundup!

        I promised I would try and get together some of our favorite St. Patrick's Day recipes, traditions, and so forth, and I've done it! Below is the list... Enjoy! =)

They're minty, they're cold, they're 100% refreshing, they're Shamrock Shakes!!  

This next one is a great idea for the kids to set up, and the end result is terrific! Who doesn't love Clover Shaped Cupcakes Tint the cake and the frosting green too, and you'll have some very happy helpers! ;)
shamrock cupcakesshamrock cupcakes

This lady played "Mrs. Leprechaun" and actually came up with some pretty neat stuff! 

How cute is this idea?! (Sorry, No link for this one)

How about some fancy St. Patrick's Day Party setting ideas??

With that, I leave you with this Irish Blessing... 

Inspiration for many things...

Have a Joyous day!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Pinterest -ing!!!

       I don't know about you, but I am one Class A Pinterest-er ;) If you know ANYTHING about me at all, then you know I'm ALL over Crochet ANYTHING (well, except maybe the Crochet Nosewarmer...), and I LOVE making and giving things to people. My other obsession is baking and cooking... If you were to ask any other Teenager what they wish they could NEVER run out of, you might get responses like Makeup, Mt. Dew, Monster, Coffee, Candy, etc. But I on the other hand, would LOVE to NEVER run out of cooking/baking supplies... Especially flour because, really, there's only 1 recipe to 50 recipes that has no flour in it. 

       Pinterest is my link to all of my interests, just waiting to be explored. What I'm going to bake tomorrow, Ideas for crochet patterns, neat ideas and tricks to save me time, the possibilities and opportunities are ENDLESS! =D How can you not LOVE that?!

Here are a couple of links to a variety of pins that are totally epic in my opinion ;)

How creative is this? Colorful Waffles! You could make the kids, siblings, heck, even parents and neighbors some colorful rainbow waffles to celebrate St. Patrick's Day-http://pinterest.com/pin/77053843597073887/

This one is for all you Knitters and crocheters! http://pinterest.com/pin/77053843597064890/

This one I found so sweet! I would love to do this at my wedding! 

With St. Patrick's Day coming up, this is a great thing to know, as a lot of Irish recipes/Irish themed foods require Irish cream (and it's a weeeee bit expensive!) ;)

This was another pin I found, but the link doesn't work, so here's the picture! =)

Marbled Easter Eggs

Isn't that just breathtakingly gorgeous! It's sure to WOW the kids, and all the guests!!
Plus, if you buy the food coloring from the dollar store, it makes it an even better "Wower!", because it's cheap to do, and fun to see the end result! Oh, and after you're done with the eggshells, if you have a garden, you can use the egg shells for colorful compost (They really help tomatoes especially)!! Anyone ready to break out the eggs?! ;)

That concludes today's post, but I'll see about rounding up some good St. Patty's Day and Easter pins/recipes/ideas for you all! 
Have a joyous day!
